
Are you in pain?
Then the Theralase therapeutic laser system may be able
to help you.
It is a medically proven technology that can safely and effectively
heal deep tissue chronic pain conditions.
Conditions treated
- Achilles' Tendon
- Acroparesthesia
- Ankle Sprain
- Ankle Tendinitis / Tenosynovitis / Tenovaginiitis
- Arm Lymphadinitis
- Arthrosis / Arthritis of the Fingers
- Arthrosis of the Elbow / Sprained Elbow
- Arthrosis of the Shoulder
- Calcaneal Heel Spurs
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Cervical Arthrosis
- Cruciate Ligaments
- Dorsal Arthrosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Frozen Shoulder
- Herpes / Post Herpetic Pain
- Hip Bursitis
- Iliotibial
- Intercostallic Pain
- Knee Pain
- Lumbar Arthrosis
- Osgood-Schlatter Disease
- Patello
- Periarthritis of the Scapula Humerale Joint
- Piriformosis
- Plantar Fasciitis
- Post Surgical Oedema
- Raynauld's Syndrome
- Rotator Cuff
- Sacolliac Joint Pain
- Sciatica
- Shin Splints
- Shoulder Pain
- Tendinitis, Strains and Pains
- Tennis Elbow / Golfer's Elbow
- Thumb Sprain
- Tietze Syndrome
- Torticolosis / Wry Neck
- Sutures
- Wounds / Decubitis Ulcers
- Wrinkles
- Dizziness
- Labyrinthitis
- Otitis
- Rhinitis
- Sinusitis
- Acne
- Cephalea
- Herpes
- Migraine
- Neuralgia
What is a laser?LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by Stimulated
Emisission of Radiation. The use of the word "radiation"
in terms of a laser is merely an expression of energy transmission, not to be
confused with radioactive materials and ionised radiation..A laser is just a
source of light, but light with very special characteristics. |

How does a therapeutic medical laser work?
Therapeutic medical lasers heal tissue ailments by bombarding visible
and invisible light deep into tissues in the body. These tissues contain protein
strands called chromophores and cytochromes that absorb the light energy and
convert it into chemical energy. This chemical energy is used by the tissue
to accelerate the healing process and to reduce pain. |
What is the difference between a therapeutic medical laser and a surgical
Surgical lasers always produce a certain heating of the tissues, which causes
irreversible damage. This is primarily due to the absorption of the laser energy
into the water of the tissue. With a Theralase laser there is no immediate rise
in tissue temperature or visible change in the tissue structure. This means
that Theralase laser can reduce pain, bring down inflammation and speed up the
healing process without damaging body tissues.
How safe are therapeutic medical lasers?
They are very safe. There are no known side effects. On very rare occasions
a patient may have a temporary increase in pain. The only known danger of therapeutic
medical lasers is to point the laser at the eyes at close range.
How effective are therapeutic medical lasers?
Over 2000 clinical studies worldwide have proven the success of therapeutic
lasers in the healing of musculo-skelital conditions. Most Theralase laser therapists
have found that 90% of people receive significant improvements. |
Are all lasers equal?
No. There are basically two types of lasers
- Continuous wave
- Pulsed
In a continuous wave laser, the laser beam reaches its output power
and sustains it. A pseudo pulsed is like a continuous wave laser,
only the laser is turned on and off to create a pulse effect. In
true pulsed lasers, such as the Theralase medical laser,
the light energy is released in ultra short pulses at certain time
intervals. The energy released in one pulse is many times greater
than the energy at any moment in a continuous wave beam. It is these
high energy pulses (50,000mW compared with 60mW) that treat body
tissue and distinguish the Theralase medical laser
from other lasers.
What are the biological effects of the Theralase medical laser?
Here are some of them. Therapeutic medical laser therapy:
- accelerates cellular reproduction and growth
- accelerates tissue healing.
- increases metabolic activity
- reduces the formation of scar tissue following tissue damage from cuts,
scratches burns and post surgery.
- reduces swelling caused by bruising or inflammation of the joints to provide
enhanced joint mobility.
- increases blood flow to the damaged area.
- speeds the process of nerve cell reconnection to bring dead limbs or numb
areas back to life.
What professional organisations endorse the Theralase medical
- FDA approved for Chronic knee pain
- Recognised by Health Canada as a medical device for several years.
6 years of arthritic hand pain. After the first laser treatment the pain
was gone for a day. I could also move my hand much better. After 5 treatments
my hands were no longer painful at night.....R Quellette
Most of my lower back pain was gone after the first treatment....S.P
Walking gave me severe knee pain: 7 out of 10 on the pain scale. Since
one Theralase laser treatment, I've experienced no pain..... T.Buhler
When I stopped nursing my baby, I got a severe breast infection, 7 out
of 10 on the pain scale. During the first Theralase treatment, the
pain dropped to zero, and I've experienced no pain since....M. Bergen
My long time knee pain was 50% gone after the first Theralase laser
treatment , and 80% better after the 2nd treatment.....N.B.
After one theralase laser treatment the pain in my foot went away. A
dark ulcer discolouration on my leg lightened up and looked more like
normal skin. With the 2nd laser treatment the burning sensation in my
lower back ceased.... K. Isaac.
I had hip and back pain for a long time. During the theralase lazer treatment
the pain left....L. Plett
Further information
For further information and technical details about the Theralase
therapeutic medical laser, visit the Theralase
therapeutic laser website (www.Theralase.com). If you are interested
in receiving therapeutic laser treatment therapy and you live in the Steinbach
or Winnipeg area of Manitoba, then contact Paul McCowan (his details are
at the bottom of the page). If you live elsewhere then visit the Clinic
Location page of the Theralase therapeutic web-site for certified
practioners in your area.